Thursday, November 10, 2016


Thu Nguyen
Cohort 01/2016


In this reflection, I am going to write about what have been done and what will be done in two areas; ethical practice and professional development, in my journey with education.

My ethical practice was much improved when I was working with my students. There were some areas I believed I did a good job. The first evidence was to create a welcoming, inviting, and respectful learning environment. It was extremely important for students to feel safe, invited, and belonging in classrooms. Before the school resumed, I worked carefully on the floor plan and classroom physical setting to ensure the safest and the most convenience for my young learners. We had places designated to large group meeting and individual work, materials keeping and preparing room, artwork storage and display. Greeting students and chatting in front of the class door was one of powerful practices to maintain teacher and student relationship. Communicating clear expectations, focus, standards, and student’s works in the real classroom setting and via my classroom site helped parents and students aware of what have been learned in my classroom. I was glad that my idea creating an art site for the entire lower school was strongly supported by the principal and the director, and greatly welcomed by parents. As its effect, the communication between parents and teacher was improved and the lower school modified this idea by creating a common site where each subject teacher updated their weekly and monthly news or works or projects for sharing with parents and community. Having student’s artworks hung inside and outside classroom, in the principal office and teacher lounge promoted art spirit. Painting an African life on the glass door reminded us where we belonged and why we should respect this land and its people. Generally, I was glad that my classroom received the most onsite and online visits of parents and the room was a relaxing and inspired place for team meetings and for student free choice during the past school.

Learning together while promoting identity and self-expression was proved in my ethical practice. Grouping and paring were used to help students learn best at their own pace with their peers. Frequently, I offered extra time, before and after school and during recess, for those who needed extra help.  Generously motivating and praising students were never abundant while remaining constructive feedback. Facilitating art critiques, encouraging self-assessment, peer feedback and group evaluations were applied to help students self-correct with a stronger commitment and willingness.  

Thirdly, this school implemented annual school climate survey two years ago. Thus I had more evidences on what I did well and what I should improve. Learning from the results and listening to feedback from students and parents helped me adjust myself accordingly and effectively to response to their needs. I began implementing a visible mail box on the classroom entrance, spending time to talk to students who have behavioral problems, applying reflections after each unit or lesson taught for both me and students, sharing concerns about limited resources for teaching and learning with my supervisors and requested for more investment for this particular grades and subject. As its result, there was a plan for installing a projector and a document camera in each classroom and having a computer lab for lower school students. Hopefully, teaching and learning needs will be better addressed integrating with technology in this school.

Regarding the professional development, it is a lifelong learning journey. Adapting highly to the family situation, I unfortunately suffer some interruptions in my job as well as career while teaching, as other works, requires continuity and practice. However, teaching different subjects and grades has enriched my experiences and I happened to be an art teacher who loved interdisciplinary lessons that helped students to make connections among subjects learned.
During the past school year, I attended a week of professional development provided by the school and in-service days each month. A new grading system called Renweb was adopted last year and replaced report cards running on Window XP or win word documents, as I quickly got it, I collaborated with one colleague in the Upper School to provide a training session for the faculty in October and remained as a post training support for those who needed help. Similarly, I was inspired by an Upper School Math teacher via his online quiz running on Google forms and site and happened to learn many tips from him when developing my art site. Learning and sharing were a true joy I had last year.

Following the requirement of the school, I registered an online course to obtain a teaching certification or license with Teach-Now starting from January. I will complete this course this month and hopefully there will be more opportunities for me to join schools in my new destinations. I am now considering time and finance aspects for an Art course but have not decided yet when and where it will be due to the family relocation and transition. I need some time to better understanding this new country in order to make a reasonable decision. During this home staying time, I was helping my own teenager son whenever he feels needed in particularly Math as he attended an AP Pre-calculus course this year and the first PSAT last month. He used to be my first student when we employed homeschooling for him ten years ago when I was blank in teaching. After having classroom experiences, I found out many differences between a private tutor and a classroom teacher, I confirmed the class size matters and demands a bigger effort, thus feel now so much easier when tutoring my son with high school level.

To make it short, I had a satisfying school year with many valuable experiences. Thanks to the challenges, difficulties, and limited resources, my flexibility was stimulated to the maximum level. I did have three last months toward the end of the school year working in the highest capacity to introduce the first time Art exhibition integrated with technology, to ensure the learning progress with Teach-Now plus early clinical practice. I was paid back. My exhibition was evidence of what I have been learning and what 21STC teaching requires. It was demonstrating disciplinary skill, technology integration, and student personal expression in creating works of art. For those who could not attend this event, a video composing grade level exhibit posted on my site a day after. I am looking forward to gaining more and new experiences in this career. 

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