Sunday, September 25, 2016


Thu Nguyen
Cohort 01/2016


The last two INTasc standards require time, plan, and commitment. In order to demonstrate evidences of meeting these standards, I will use both video and recital.
For the standard 9, I would mention some profession development days that I joined or led at this school as well as my personal learning plan and learning networks that I apparently built for a continuous improvement in this field in the future. I might also include a reflection about the Teach-now course and some other online courses that I have taken or will take in the future. I would also share one service-in day that I took part as a trainer for the new grading and report system.
Regarding ethical practice, I guess it should happen every day unconsciously or intentionally via our words, gesture, actions, attitude toward one another. It can be also embedded though our lessons and student’s presentations or products. Beside the ethical practice toward students, I will share my way of showing respect toward the host country, Cote d’Ivoire, and how my inspiration pave the love of students to African arts and lead the award that one of my students received in the regional art challenge held by AISA in this January.
As for the standard 10, the leadership and collaboration can be demonstrated in the most common sense. Each teacher is a leader in his or her class. The leadership skill is definitely obvious in order to manage classroom and to lead students. I fortunately had an opportunity to serve as a leader of the special teachers consisting of four subjects: Music, Art, PE, IT/Library. Honestly, I would rather call this position as a representative than a leader because no one in our group can replace the others in their profession and in case of absence. Nevertheless, I could show a strong spirit and tie that we built to strengthen our collaboration through our meetings, plans, projects, and discussions. One-year term was a bit short for long term strategies to be fully implemented. I would hope some our projects and plans to be continued under the leadership of my successor.
Representing the group, I had a chance to join weekly Lower school leadership meetings. Since I couldn’t get the approval for videoing these meetings, so I would recite what we have done this year relating to policies, text books, computer center, standards and curriculum, and tests and result interpretation, etc ... All was to continuously improve learning and teaching.

In short, the last two videos would be a collection of what have been done and will be done in my teaching career. 

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