Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Personal Learning Goals

This is my key 2016 goals which was set at the beginning of the year. It might look so personal but it reflects my way of living and growing. 

For my personal learning goals, obtaining a teaching certificate with Teach-Now is one of my top priority, including passing the Praxis test. Some learning communities I found helpful such as my TN cohorts, some colleagues who have been in the previous courses, online practices, and begin to explore Twitter as another reference source. Relating to my daily teaching subject, I found that Khan Academy, Youtube, Pinterest, and Artsonia are the good and reliable resources for art teachers, I also registered and was accepted as a member of Art Education 2.0. Polishing French for a better communication is a part of my plan by talking and learning from local colleagues. 

Another personal learning aspect is to keep myself open-minded with new systems at work and new technology. The school decided to change the grading system from Engrade to Renweb, and came back to use Atlas for lesson plan. I spent some days to study the systems and sharing my tips in a PD session with four different groups of teachers and TAs in last November. When sharing new knowledge, I had another chance to better understanding their issues and keep searching for answers in order to help them out and enrich my learning log. In the effort to create a two way communication with parents and students, which I found that Renweb is not supporting my intention. I created a google site to share our LS artworks by grade and by students. Similarly, at the beginning of this course, when I had to work with Picktograph, VoiceThread, and some recommended animation or online movie makers. I found out the similarities and differences among them and decided which tools work best for free accounts. Technology should be a tool NOT a load for today and tomorrow's teachers. With that mindset, I can update weekly student's grade, lesson plans, and my website, and have accomplished the set goal.

In three more years, I will see my son in his chosen university somewhere in the States, UK, Singapore, or Australia. Nowadays, we work bit by bit on SAT preparation and I recall some unused knowledge in Math by guiding my own child this way. For my career, I don't know exactly where will be my next destination but I know that I will find a teaching job somewhere with the certificate I am going to obtain this year. I like to continue two subjects that I love, Art and Math. In order to get updated and growing in these fields, I'll stay in contact with colleagues and experts in the above mentioned sites. Traveling is one of my most favorite way for personal learning and staying in connect with family and friends.

Learning today is much easier, cheaper and more personal than ever. Thanks to the advancement of technology, I now can learn at my place and space and with my pace. What we need to choose is right things to learn, with the people, and at right moments.

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